The Alternative/Progressive Rock Motorspycho band, thanks to an important job of audio / video recovery from VHS, started to publish their own video archive. Through their official website, they communicate: “Bernie from motorpsychodelicclips.com has spent the last few months digitizing our old VHS archive. Starting this winter, we’ll upload a new show approximately every two or three weeks for your enjoyment for as long as we have stuff to share. These are mostly one camera documents from the 90s, so one would presume you’d have to be really interested to watch all of it, but there is some really great stuff in-between the duds and we’re sure you’ll find them all!
The quest to make this an as comprehensive and thorough archive as possible is still on, and we’re using this opportunity to ask those of you who have decent footage you think might be of interest, to get in touch with Bernie. There is no money in this for any of us anymore, so this is strictly museum style archivist geekery and we’re all in it for the same reason, so let’s share it and make Motorpsyhodelic Clips one of the coolest corners of the internet!”
Motorspycho |Official Website|Facebook Page|Twitter|YouTube Channel|