It’s a Norwegian band, born in Skien in 1994. Project born in a moment of great ferment for the Scandinavian music scene, from an idea of the twins Bendikt and Kristoffer Momrak (Captain Cumulunimbus & His Wondrus Cloudship). In the group fits Andy Handy and move towards electrical sounds by changing the name to Elektrisk Tusmørke. Shortly after another change towards progressive sounds with the name Les fleurs du mal, recording a demo with a 17-minute piece “Ode Dawn”. They undertake an intense live activity in which the singer of Wobbler Andres Prestmo collaborates, and sharing the stage with different groups including White Willow. The band reaches its complete formation of 2009, the name is therefore definitively identified in Tusmørke. The lineup was composed of Kirzla (Flute, Voice, Percussion), Benediktator (Bass, Vocals, Guitar, Percussion), Svenno (Percussion) and Reggie (Keyboards). The sound thus takes on a darker conformation, with clear references to Scandinavian folklore and a massive dose of 70s Prog. Even the look, tied to the tradition of their land, is treated with attention to detail, and with the druids we focus on the themes in nature, Scandinavian folklore, but also writers like Lewis Carroll influence its traits. The band’s personality comes out, creating an original sound, where the psychedelic and progressive folk element stands out with influences from bands like Black Widow, Comus, Strawbs with a more elaborate touch in magma style and Amon Duul II. Subsequently, Svenno and Reggie abandoned the group replaced by HlewagastiR (Drum, Percussion) and Deadly Nightshade (Keyboards, Mellotron, Rhodes, Piano, Spinetta). With the formation thus formed they publish an EP “Salomonses Hage” in 2012, and in the same year their debut album “Underjordisk Tusmørke” is released. In 2013, the 12″ “Den Internasjonale Bronsealderen,”whose themes are the ancient rites and witchcraft, the Nordic culture and the ancient Egyptians, is published. It is followed by a 7” “Offepresten” with Marxo Solinas on keyboards as Guest. The band’s second studio album sees the light in May 2014 of “Riset Bak Speilet” for Svart Records. The following year they released “Elektriske Skrekkøgler og Forhistoriske Framtidsfabler,” a split produced for Duplicate Records, in collaboration between Tusmørke and Spectral Haze, a band more than Space. Also in 2015, Dreymimor becomes an effective member of the band, which so publishes “Fort Bak Lyset” for Svart Records. On this album the band offers a sound and themes more related to Scandinavian Folklore with references to Thore Hansen’s fables. In 2017, the fourth studio album “Hinsides,” is released for Svart Records, where the sound is more progressive with Folk and Fuzzy features. Also in the same year for Karisma Records they published “Bydyra,” a different work, written with and for children. Containing 15 tracks that form two mini-musicals, with themes related to pollution and global warming and social life in Oslo. All imbued with a humor that makes adults and children appreciate the work, full of magical and fairy-tale characters. “Fjernsyn Farver” is released in May 2008, again for Karisma Records, and addresses the concepts of light and time and their relationship with reality. On November 29, 2019 Karisma Records released the seventh studio album “Leker for barn ritual for voksne.” Another musical for children, a mix of traditional songs and original songs from the band. A single has been extracted to present the album “Bro, bro brille,” with videos viewable on the band’s YouTube channel. A group that makes originality a cornerstone of its sound, despite the influences of Psychedelia folkj and Prog, the whole is well-balanced with the addition of unique personal traits. The themes of the albums, never dull, tackle the most disparate topics, always of a good level and committed, even in versions for children. They are reminiscent of the Folk Prog groups of the 70s, in a positive and proactive version. A great listening for all Prog lovers with psychedelic and folkloristic influences, markedly retro. They enter the vein of the new era of Prog, for a temporal rather than a stylistic question, however a group that offers pleasant and high level listening.
(2012) Salomonsens Hage / Singers & Swallows [Freshtea]
(2012) Underjordisk Tusmørke [Termo Records]
(2013) Den Internasjonale Bronsealderen [Freshtea]
(2013) Offerpresten [Duplicate Records]
(2014) Riset Bak Speilet [Svart Records]
(2014) Salomonsens Hage / Singers & Swallows [De Sjeldent Pene]
(2014) Den Internasjonale Bronsealderen [De Sjeldent Pene]
(2015) Elektriske Skrekkøgler og Forhistoriske Framtidsfabler (12″ with Spectral Haze) [Duplicate Records]
(2016) Ført Bak Lyset [Svart Records]
(2017) Hinsides [Svart Records]
(2017) Trefar (Single) [Karisma Records]
(2017) Rottekongen (Single) [Karisma Records]
(2017) Lær de fattige å trylle (Single) [Karisma Records]
(2017) Bydyra [Karisma Records]
(2018) Fjernsyn i Farver [Karisma Records]
(2019) Bro, bro brille (Single) [Karisma Records]
(2019) Leker for barn, ritualer for voksne [Karisma Records]
Past Members
DreymimaðR / Hurdy-Gurdy
Deadly Nightshade / Keyboards, Mellotron, Rhodes, Piano, Spinetta (Årabrot, This is Music Inc.)
Svenno / Percussion
Reggie / Keyboards
Andreas Prestmo: Voice (Wobbler)
Marxo Solinas (Lars Fredrik Frøislie) / Keyboards (Wobbler)
Dauinghorn Av Jordsjø (Håkon Oftung) / Electric Guitar (Jordsjø)
Current Lineup
Benediktator (Benedikt Momrak) / Bass, Vocals, Guitar, Percussion (Momrakattakk, Lydia Laska)
Krizla (Kristoffer Momrak) / Flute, Vocals, Percussion, Electronics (Momrakattakk)
HlewagastiR (Martin Nordrum Kneppen) / Drums, Percussion (Wobbler, Angst Skvadron)
Haugebonden Gode Gullstein (Ivar Haugaløkken) / Organ
Tusmorke |Bandcamp|Facebook Page|YouTube Channel|